Spring Outerwear & Summer Jewelry

I ended up rushed to take these before I had to change and get ready to go out, which resulted in about three photos that were actually in focus.  And which means I didn’t get any head to toe photos without the coat, only the portraits were usable.  But I am just wearing jeans, you can probably just fill them in with your imagination!  This vintage coat was a gift from my cousin around the winter holidays.  I’ve worn it between then and now but this is the first time I’ve actually gotten a photo.  It’s a good spring/fall weight jacket and blocks the wind wonderfully.  However, that means it’s also far too warm for temperatures above 70, I would definitely roast!

I pulled out my summer jewelry because I was feeling especially bright.  The bangles are from seasons past at J.Crew and still among my favorite pieces.  The turquoise bracelet was a gift from a friend.  Isn’t the color really wonderful?  It’s not really a valuable type of turquoise (I basically play with pretty rocks at work now) but I think I prefer it because it’s more interesting.  My turquoise necklace is also vintage and a gift from the same friend for my birthday last year.  Hard to believe it’s actually only a few weeks away again…

Weekend Again

Photo credit: Brooke McIntyre

So, weekend again, although not a really weekend look.  My skirt was totally sticking to my tights all day despite the slip I was wearing.  And that dress is even lined so all three layers were sticking to my tights, I must have acquired a lot of static electricity somehow!

It was not actually warm out, you can see that I had my wool coat and was wearing it except for the photo.  But it was quite sunny so instead of wearing my usual embellished grey ribbon belt with this dress I wore the brightest one I could find.  It looks kind of ridiculous actually, but I do like that belt (sale section at Zara last week).  For this city street photo I enlisted the help of my friend as we were on our way from lunch to catch the train downtown.  I think the tripod might be a bit precarious to use on my own, someone might totally run into it.  It’s also lightweight and not too good at standing on its three legs so I guess I’ll be looking for very quiet places to take photos whenever I have it.

One borrowed, one mine, both from internship.

Aren’t these flowers nice?  And they didn’t have much of a scent, I’m really allergic to a lot of smells during allergy season but these didn’t bother me at all!

I hope you had a good weekend! It was a friend’s birthday so we had some fondue (chocolate with sea salt!) at The Melting Pot to celebrate!

FBFF: Anxiously Awaiting

Open-ended FBFF this week!  You’re supposed to give the top five spring trends you’re looking forward to seeing/sporting.  And let me tell you, I am looking forward to spring! 

1.  I would really really like some 70s-inspired footwear.  Yes, even clogs are in the running.  I’ve been eyeing swedish hasbeens since I first heard about them… last year?  But I think $200+ is too much to spend on a trend that might fizzle out after fall.

I might be ordering these Payless shoes instead although I know it’s probably a bad idea.  Problem feet + knee injury = I should probably be looking into comfort brands.  I’m not really ready to give up my fashion shoes though, it’s something I’m trying to work on. 

2.  I think it’s actually bigger in the F/W 2011 collections, but I just want some bright colors.  To pair with a few neutrals (beige, I’m looking at you) this spring and with more brights for fall!

I’m pretty much dying for this dress.  It’s not really something I’d typically go for, but I saw it in… Bloomingdales? and that was pretty much the end.  I’ll be looking for it to go on sale for the rest of time.
3.  Wide-brimmed floppy hats (thank you Marc Jacobs)!  I have a black straw one but am looking for one with a bit more punch.  My favorite S/S 2011 collection was Marc Jacobs.

4.  I’ve never been able to find a pair that looks good on me, but wide-leg jeans!  I’ll admire from afar: Lydia, Caitlin.

5.  It’s not a trend, but bare legs.  I just really want to go out without tights on soon!









Interested in joining FBFF by ModlyChic?

Email katy_rose1@yahoo.com or join the FBFF Google Group!

Happy weekend, everyone!  Maybe it will be warm enough to bring out the pink trench for real!

Least Brilliant Idea. Ever.

Guys.  Guys.  On Saturday I decided that since it was not raining for the first time in my (admittedly short when concerning the weather) memory, I should go out for an adventure.  To Waterside.  It did seem like a brilliant idea at the time.

And then I got there… and I realized why no one else was about.  The wind.  Crazy.

And I only got one semi-normal looking photo.  My hair.  It’s… I don’t even know where it is.

On the plus side, the park was mostly empty which significantly cut down on the what-is-that-crazy-doing looks.  And I had a lovely (windy) walk.

But I might have to brave the streets next time.  Tall buildings totally cut down on wind, right?

Pay It Forward

Back at the beginning of March I spied this delightful little offer on Chic on the Cheap:

I was one of the first five to comment on Lydia’s blog so now I’m passing this offer on to you.  The first five people to comment on this post will receive something handmade by me!  Remember you have to make something for five more people too.

I promise you’ll get something cool!  And soon, I’ve already decided on my five something handmades!

Weekender (For Real This Time)

Guys.  I think I finally got it.  A weekender look.  For real (but are the heels too much?).  I have the cotton thing down, mostly… also the loose open cardigan and denim as well.  This is a totally legit weekend ouftit, right?  Also, look up, there’s tiny growth on that tree!  There are going to be actual leaves soon.  So happy.

And also, if you’re interested in winning this necklace:

my internship is collaborating with Moxsie on Facebook for a contest– all you have to do to enter is post a photo of yourself to the event wall!

Tiny Flowers for Spring

29 March 2011

I realized after I wore this that the ruffles of my dress made weird lines on the sweater… oops, the thicker knits I usually wear with this dress don’t show the ruffles.  After I took it off I also realized that the sweater has at least 8 holes.  Time to search for a replacement I guess (especially because I wore it to work and then a casual happy hour/birthday celebration).

Please come soon, spring!  It was so windy again over the weekend (although the sun was shining) but it seems like it’s back to rain for the week again.  At least the temperatures are holding in the 50s?  Seriously though, if it’s warm enough to wear bare legs where you are and I haven’t commented on your blog in a while it means I’m too depressed to read it.  Spring is definitely late this year.  All I can say is that my March 2010 archives from last year look a lot different than March 2011.

…so I just checked the archives for real and I was definitely wearing this mid-March 2010:

Just… less rain please, weather.  I know rain is good but I’m starting to feel like I should enter for an puddle jumping contest because I would totally win.  And I would really like to completely repeat that outfit again this spring.

Have a good weekend!

I’ve been wanting to get into portraits for a long time… this one is from my temperature inappropriate outfit earlier this week.  I’m also wearing earrings!  I hardly ever wear earrings because my hair always covers them.  I’ve had this borrowed pair on constantly.

Whenever I tell anyone that I borrow jewelry lately they immediately imagine it to be like some sort of celebrity borrowing thing.  No, definitely not as glamorous as that but still quite a bit of fun!

I’ll be at the Fashion Girls for Japan sample sale at the Bowery Hotel on Sunday, anyone else going and want to say hi?