
Fallen leaves outside on the deck.

Fall was a huge blur to me and I can barely remember what happened, although I did get some nice photos along the way.

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Early Spring Photo Diary

Pink flowers on a treeAfter more than a year, I am resurfacing with some photos of the lovely things that have been blooming. This has been an exceptionally cold and stormy spring on the coast. It’s been raining with high winds almost every day, so I feel lucky that I was able to get these photos at all.

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Holidays in New York

The tree at Rockefeller Center

All of my holiday photos this year are from around 5th Avenue, so mostly the boutiques and department stores. Have a fashionable holiday!

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A Night Walk Under the Trees

Trees wrapped with lights in bloom during spring

It’s been a while since the trees were blooming, but these days I’m a bit slow at this blogging thing. I really like wandering around a park with tall trees or a quiet path through the woods. A day trip to a forest is considered to promote good health and stress reduction in Japan, and one of my favorite apartments ever was basically inside a park. That and the two windows I had were probably why I liked it so much.

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Hello Easter

flowers on the table

It’s mid-April already.


I feel like the past few months took a very long time, but not that much time has actually passed. For example, I got a haircut two months ago and was completely convinced it was more like four or five months ago. And it does feel like February and that haircut were four or five months ago, but of course, they weren’t.

A long winter, perhaps.

Seems like everything is beginning to even out into something spring-like. Maybe it’s time to wake up and put some pink ombre in my hair.

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Summer Photo Diary


Somehow it has become summer here again. I had just become used to crisp mornings, but today the temperature climbed past 80 and is forecast to be even warmer tomorrow.

I have no fall photos yet, so here are my snapshots from the last days of summer.

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