Monochrome for FNO 2011

September 8, 2011

Glad I was wearing little wedges for FNO as I walked so much that night. Trying to get a cab was crazy and actually getting anywhere once in the cab was almost impossible. After 6:30pm I took the NQR and walked everywhere.

I feel like I have weird, slightly vacant looking expressions on my face in all the photos I took on Thursday. Probably the change of season making me feel kind of odd. You can actually see my dress this time, unlike last time. I thought I was way too overdressed for FNO… but by 6pm it got cool out so I wrapped a sweater over my dress. It’s Alexander Wang, which I think of as sporty and sort of androgynous, but always ends up looking more cocktail hour on me? Maybe it’s the hair. I planned for down and pin straight but the weather had other plans, became way more humid in the evening and my hair puffed up so I squashed it together and stuck some pins in it.

Want to see photos from the stores during FNO?…

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The Strand and The Cooper

August 7, 2011

Thanks Nnenna for taking my pictures! It was a dark and stormy night, so unfortunately hardly any of my photos from StrandedBlogger came out. All the photos of Nnenna and me were a total fail. I did get one good one of Katy but that’s basically it, even my outfit photos are so dark and blurry. I was way too busy chatting with bloggers to pay attention to my camera anyway!

Some of the bloggers I met are A La Mode et Plus, Feed My Sole, Oh to be a Muse, One Woman’s Style Evolution, Radiant Brown Beauty, and The Well-Appointed Catwalk.

The Top of the Strand is actually very small and intimate for a rooftop bar. The only odd thing is that if you open a tab at the bar they automatically add 18% gratuity. We had a great time, though, and I hope to meet up with these bloggers again soon!

Presents from StrandedBlogger

Quick post before I’m out and about for the day! Last night I went to StrandedBlogger, a post-conference meetup organized by Modly Chic. It was awesome meeting Katy in person for the first time! And because Katy is totally the best, she even got us gift bags.

we love colors socks
Socks from We Love Colors!
humana by micagem
MicaGem donates a mosquito net to a child in need for every bottle of fragrance sold.
strandedblogger gift bag
A free drink voucher for the Top of the Strand, which has really a nice view uptown.

It was fun meeting people face-to-face (and not on Skype)! I also met Star-Crossed Smile in person for the first time for a pre-meetup meetup and we shared a cab uptown. We were lucky to get one, it can definitely be next to impossible in the rain.

Tweet me (@alexshook) if you’re going to FNO tonight! My only definite stop is DKNY and it’s definitely going to be crazy, but I hope to cross paths with people I met last night!

Friends Under the Trees

I got another friend into photos with me! And we did typically silly things like staring up at the trees. She doesn’t have a blog or a twitter, but she does have two playful dogs.

Carrying my old Foley + Corinna again. I forgot how much this bag holds (currently my MacBook Air) and how useful it is. This is the first time I’ve worn my new(ish) leather skirt from Tokyo Joe, a really good consignment store in the East Village. It’s from Gap and judging by the quality and style I’d say it’s not recent, maybe from the early 2000s? Maybe earlier. I really forgot how unforgiving leather is… one large meal later and I feel like I can’t breathe.

I’m excited for Stranded Blogger on Wednesday (except it’s supposed to pour, oh no!). If you’re going and I don’t already know, please tell me!

Hurricane Before and After

So it was a little windy on Sunday after the hurricane, and unbelievably cool for August although the sun appeared late in the day. I’m still a little behind because of the disruption from the storm.

Everything cleared up rather nicely after the hurricane, although so many people I know were left without power for most of the week.

The rain wasn’t too bad Saturday before the hurricane so I kept my dinner engagement, thankful that I wore my rain boots because the puddles were much larger later in the evening. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve become obsessed with this sweater again. It seems like the perfect thing to wear when a heavier knit would be too warm.

And did anyone else with power still available notice Me, Myself & Irene on TV? Terrible timing.

Five Fall Favorites for FBFF

I love the long summer days but it’s no secret that the cooler, crisp autumn air calls to my heart. There wasn’t much of a spring this year so I’m really hoping for at least two months of fall. I’m not even sure if I wore any of my more transitional pieces yet this year! I’m looking forward to mixing them with the five following trends for fall:

1. Animal prints! I have some already, but I just bought this leopard blouse.

2. Orange… still working on this one. 

leather skirt

3. Leather. I’ve got the skirt…but the dress remains elusive. I wouldn’t buy it full price (might not say no to 60% off though) but the movement of this Helmut Lang dress is completely wonderful.

4. Red pants, also working on these. Tried a bunch already but probably $100+ in tailoring required :( Must remember to drop in at… Zara?

5. I have a legacy fur that I’d like to wear more than once during F/W 2011. It definitely has to wait for full winter though, it’s a very heavy coat.

Interested in joining FBFF by ModlyChic?
Email or join the FBFF Google Group!

Sunset Before the Storm in Alexander Wang

August 26, 2011

A little pre-hurricane fun– I live in the mandatory evacuation zone in New York (#ZoneA), so I trekked to my parents’ in the country and met my friends for tapas and sangria al fresco. I wish I could have gotten more definition out of the dress but it was definitely 7:30pm by the time I took these photos. I guess that means I’ll just have to wear it again soon!

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