A photo with the fairy lights is practically a tradition. The simultaneous snow/slushstorm is new.
Photos and thoughts on fashion, beauty, tech + city living.
by Alex
A photo with the fairy lights is practically a tradition. The simultaneous snow/slushstorm is new.
by Alex
Dear Dotty,
McNulty’s Tea & Coffe Co. is my favorite tea shop in New York. They have all kinds of specialty teas like Dragon Fruit with Roses, which sounds like the official tea of Game of Thrones.
I don’t frequent the shop too often because it’s far too easy to spend a fortune there in under ten minutes. The strawberry rose green tea pictured above will set you back $40/pound. Not that you would need to purchase an entire pound all at once. You could easily drink that much over the course of a year, but it wouldn’t be as fresh after a few months. I tend to buy loose leaf tea in quarter-pound bags. …
by Alex
Dear Francy,
Oh look. Shivani came to visit. Aren’t we so nice to each other? I know, I know. We’re terrible. What are friends for….
by Alex
Another day, another year… they really do seem to fly away faster with each passing year. I spent the day wandering the old neighborhood with my roommate, dreaming of apartments on the border of the West Village and Chelsea, and walked by my house. I tried to go to Magnolia for a New Year’s cupcake but the line was out the door and around the block. I didn’t want one quite that much. …
by Alex
A very overexposed photo of Grace Coddington and me last night at Bookmarc. I’ve never had a signed copy of anything before (well, a personalized signed copy). Totally cool.
by Alex
Welcome to Letters from the City, a lifestyle photoblog.
My name is Alex and I have been blogging in some form or another since 1998. I’m a former Manhattanite now living the quieter life in Brooklyn. I like outerwear and red lipstick.
When I was younger, I was let loose in a GAP Kids one too many times, resulting in many of the fashion choices you see here in my photos. I also read, traveled, and took cooking and art classes. Art eventually led me around to photography, and to this day I do enjoy a good brunch.
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