Guess where we’re back to jackets? That’s right, New York. It’s been a rather cold week and twice has barely broken 60 degrees. Not the start for June I was hoping for after a cool, rainy May. …
Geometric Neutrals
On Friday night my friends and I went to Lucky Strike for an early birthday celebration. We ate a lot of steak and fries (they’re so good at Lucky Strike) and had some fun with my film camera, as you saw. I wore a new matty m dress from Darling in the West Village. It’s a fantastic dress shop and the sales are good, too. This dress was 60% off and 100% silk– had to get it. It’s very lightweight so I can see it taking me through summer, then hopefully fall and winter with layers and some good tights. …
Almost a Suit
So… I have a confession. I do wear pants. In fact, I probably only ever go about two weeks without wearing them. I just never seem to get them into any photographs. I still think they’re generally uncomfortable and they’re not very flattering on me. A skirt with a little volume really balances out my shoulders.
This is about as close to a pant suit as you’ll ever see me in (these are denim). I do truly dislike pant suits. I don’t know what it is about them… I think it has something to do with the wide-leg pants that are a part of so many suits. Love them on other women, but not on me. All my suits are skirt suits, though I’d probably buy dress suits as well. And I’d love if someone started making three-piece suits for women. …
When Bloggers go to Blue Owl
On the 11th Nnenna, Lala, and I met at Blue Owl for a mini blogger meetup. And Kim is definitely coming next time! I love getting together with my friends– it’s a very big part of what makes New York so great. And we live very near each other, so we should definitely be seeing each other all the time.
Nnenna and I were together during daylight for the first time in so long and we chose the church courtyard for photos again. Lala met us later and has been camera shy lately, but I’m determined to get her in photos soon. I’m such a creepy photo stalker. …