Mexico Wedding Photo Diary Part Two

A side trip to Tulum involving Mayan ruins and aquamarine ocean that must be part of some secret blanket Photoshop program that affects everyone within a mile of the coast. Clearly no water can actually be that color.


  1. says

    Ah, beautiful! I’ve never been that far south (only to Sonora) but my dad was saying a while back that we should all go to Oaxaca someday and do a family reunion. I should ask him if he’s still interested…

  2. says

    WOW! These are amazing photos, Alex. I told myself I would never want to visit Mexico again (bad experience) but maybe if I went to that part, I’d reconsider…

  3. says

    ahhh, can I please be THERE! Beautiful shots…you have some killer jewelry lately lady..saw that spiked ring from a few posts ago…amazing and now these gold bands…LOVE!
    Hope you are well.

  4. Christine says

    Whoa! Those are great photos! I’ve only been to Mexico once for a few hours while on a cruise and I wish I was able to go see some of the ancient ruins.