Yesterday’s Gone

This is what I ended up wearing on my birthday.  It’s a relatively new dress, been worn a few times but never made it in front of the camera.  I still haven’t decided if I like the draping thing in front of the skirt yet… should I sew it up into the waistband?  Does it look sort of Roman or just sort of apron (although aprons are big at Anthropologie right now)?


  1. says

     I think the draping is interesting, but I agree with Lyddiegal. I’d like to see what it looks like with a big, chunky belt! Love the red lipstick!

  2. says

    I think i need to see it with a belt. the elastic and subsequent ruching over the elastic is giving me the apron vibe, but with a bold belt, i think the draping will look more like it’s part of the look and not an oddity.

    and you look stunning with a red lip! you need to do them more often!