Long Overdue Easter Ruffles

4.4.10 Easter

This time last year I had bare legs and it was not warm.  This year was also the warmest Easter in my memory, although I can’t remember the weather past two years ago.  I know it was warm then because I was in Japan.  And the sakura were out. 

I wish I could shopping for spring clothing in Japan!  I really miss the underground shopping around the train stations — no need to risk the blazing 80 degree weather and 80% humidity of Japan in April!  I also really miss shoes that snap closed and have faux buckles.  They are seriously the best.  Maybe I should think about ordering some from Asia since I already know my size.  My size 7 (38 euro) foot comes in at a large in Japan.  Medium if I’m really lucky.  The four buckles on the Sofft shoes take forever to do… or at least it feels like it! 

Free People dress, J. Crew ribbon belt, Sofft sandals. 

Spotted: Black and Navy


The cardigan has beading detail near the collar, but my hair is covering it in most of the photos.  You can see it a little in the second photo — I think I need to get better with detail shots!  I’m going to try to work on it. 

I can barely remember what happened Thursday… and that wasn’t too long ago.  Ann Taylor had 40% off everything so I got a few things, including a tropical weight wool skirt that’s probably the best I’ve ever seen.  I’ll be wearing it sometime soon!  It’s supposed to be 81 on Tuesday and 84 on Wednesday so maybe I should start looking for some of my summer dresses as well!

Forever 21 sunglasses, Old Navy cardigan, Old Navy camisole, J. Crew ribbon belt, Emmelee for Francesca’s Collections black and white polka dotted skirt, Sofft nude platform shoes. 

So I Think I’m So Pink!


I need more sleep.  I was on less than five hours on the last day of March with sunglasses glued to my face.  I didn’t want to take them off, but I had to go inside sometime.  Thankfully I slept late yesterday (no work) so I’m sort of? recovered from at least two weeks of being severely underslept.  And it’s not even the worst insomnia bout I’ve ever had.  Caffeine and Red Bull are keeping me reasonably alive. 

Shoes close up! Sort of.  I’ll try for a better one next time — I forgot so this one is just cropped. 

J. Crew shirt, J. Crew skirt, J. Crew belt, HUE tights, Sofft sandals. 

Grey on Grey on Grey


Grey dress, grey tights, and grey skies. A lazy nothing sort of outfit with lazy curly hair.  I think I would have really liked some grey boots instead of brown — then it would have looked fashionable instead of…?  I don’t even know.  An unexpected color experiment?

I know most style bloggers only photograph really put together looks, but… I don’t think photos need to be limited to only the most stylish days.  Most of us don’t wear something spectacular or fantastical every day.  Like, unless you happen to be Lady Gaga.  But then again I don’t even know if anyone is interested in non-stylish photos days.  

Coach trench coat, H&M dress, HUE tights, Frye boots. 

Deceptive Sun


Shortly after I took these photos I ate the biggest matzo ball ever at Carnegie Deli… yum.  I had a potato pancake the size of the plate as well and had to skip dinner.  Far too full.  Then I went out and only drank two martinis, partly because lunch was just gigantic.  Next time I’ll just have the matzo ball and not the combination, which also includes noodles and rice.  Definitely too much!  Although next time I might be having the corned beef :)  So good!

It was deceptively sunny on Saturday.  I went outside and it was actually quite cool, barely 50 degrees.  I had to return for a jacket and probably should have taken a scarf as well! 

I forget the label dress from Commander Salamander, Target belt, Assets by Sara Blakely stockings, Sofft platforms. 

Spring is almost in full swing! 

Onion grass is growing and things are falling off the trees…

Sunlight exists again!  Unfortunately so does rain…

I took this photo at 1 p.m. using my iPhone, so it didn’t really come out but I think it looks interesting just the same.  It’s my new iPhone wallpaper!

ModCloth for the win. 

Goldfish Heaven Bath Plug-Mod Retro Indie Clothing & Vintage Clothes

This is one goldfish who refuses to fully pass on to the other side. It wants to stick around and help you enjoy bath time! Fitting on any size bath drain, this little fish will stop up your tub so you can run the water, maybe add some aroma therapy salts, and relax! His bright orange fins and tail will be easy to find in the fluffy bubbles of your bath, so you won’t be fishing for the plug when the water goes cold. This fun friend isn’t playing “koi,” so why should you? Cast out your line, and bring one home today! 


I was supposed to match the weather…


Supposedly it was going to snow yesterday… and somehow the snow just never quite made it.  Instead it was bright and windy.  And guess who the idiot in the Rodarte for Target raincoat with hood (in case of snow/slush at 45 degrees) is?  ME! 

Yesterday I did a lot of Farmville at work.  We can be Farmville friends if you want, and I’ll send you sheep and Easter eggs and fun things!  Then I had power fusion which hurt my knee, as usual.  It’s definitely easier for me than high level ashtanga but somehow power fusion bothers my knee more.  I had frozen corn on it for two hours on and off… and I numbed the joint so much that I couldn’t tell if it was bending and almost fell over :)  I hardly ever party on Fridays any more, which is a bit weird to me.  I’m more inclined to party during the week now, and on Saturdays.  It’s almost like having my freshman year schedule back, except I was always out on Fridays.  It’s probably good that I don’t because it’s Saturday and my knee is still bothering me from yesterday. 

Rodarte for Target raincoat, Ann Taylor Loft sweater, I forget the label from a boutique at the beach dress, HUE tights, Frye boots. 

A Serious Case of Ballet Arms


Yeah, total ballet arms. I have it ingrained in my memory or something… maybe it’s all those years I spent posing for formal dance photos?  Maybe I should do an actual ballet series or something and try to ballet myself out for a while? 

It was supposed to rain today but didn’t.  It was cloudy but still oddly bright, maybe with jut a hint of sun in the late afternoon?  I’d rather have sun!  I saw immature [vs. mature] today and met her lovely boyfriend.  She brought me a green St. Patrick’s Day cupcake last week with Lucky Charms on top!  It was delicious, but this week we opted for Vegan Treats before dinner. 

I’ve seen a lot of tights and shoes matching lately (mostly on What I Wore) and decided to give it a go.  It would be even more interesting to have tights, shoes, and skirt/shorts/whatever matching but I don’t have any bottoms that are this particular shade of pink. 

Here’s one more, I took it outside of work.  Some cars were going past on the road behind me and probably thought I was some crazy in pink tights.  There’s a nice big tree to be my background… however the grass is so tall that I have no feet!  This is what I look like fully dressed in outerwear and accessories with my big obnoxious pink trench coat and big obnoxious bag.  It’s how I would look if you ran into me at Starbucks or Barnes and Noble or somewhere.  But not Forever 21 — it’s a no coat sauna zone in there!

I’ve had this coat forever, which means since I was sixteen.  It still fits for the most part.  I had it tailored in at the sides to fit me better, and the sleeves shortened (they used to entirely cover my hands), but I can’t button it over my chest any more without it looking idiotic/too strained.  I’m not so sure that losing weight would help that either.  I’ve also had this scarf for a long time and it’s one of my favorites although I don’t wear it during the winter too often.  My winter coats are plaid, red, and purple and the hot pink tends to be a little difficult to wear with those colors.  But it goes very nicely with this pink coat!

Coach sunglasses, Coach trench coat, Burberry scarf, Louis Vuitton bag (and Celine scarf), Bebop dress (Macy’s juniors), We Love Colors tights (they’re supposedly red?), Sofft platform sandals.