
I’ve decided.  I have to commit to wearing shoes that fit.  And when I say shoes naturally I mean heels.  I have a bad knee, a bad ankle, shin splints, damaged feet from ballet, and wide feet from pointe.  No matter what shoes I wear I only get an hour of standing before my knee begins to ache.

I detest flats.  I wear heels constantly.  They can’t all be 5-inch platforms from Aldo and BCBG.  Bad for feet, knees, hips, back, and probably neck too.

Well then.  Born, Sofft, Cole Haan, and Stuart Weitzman… expect an immediate increase in sales.


I swear.

Almost Tea Length

3.3.10  Windy.  Messy hair.

This is probably the longest skirt I own.  I’m still undecided as to whether or not I need to shorten it… I do like the length but it may need to come up a few inches.  Petites really aren’t supposed to wear skirts this length!  The sweater is about to get the MVP award: it’s the same one that I wore here and here.

I have a bunch of 40% off coupons to Banana Republic for the month of March but unfortunately nothing I tried on fit/everything that did was out of stock in my size.  I could really use some skirts that aren’t minis or circle skirts.  The ones at Banana Republic right now just do not seem to fit me though.  I think it’s because I don’t have much of a waist — I can’t breathe in them but I swim through the hips and thighs.  Same for these cool leggings that look like skinny trousers.  Sad.  I’m at the point where I’d like to have some pieces custom made.  I’ve been looking on etsy but can’t find anything I like.  Anyone have an recommendations? 

Anthropologie sweater, camisole from a store in Japan, Ralph Lauren skirt, HUE tights, Frye boots.

Office Insanity


Yes, I wore this to the office today.  They honestly don’t care what I wear because it’s completely casual.  It would probably be more surprising if I didn’t wear something surprising!  It was another busy day, the phone rang constantly!  The daily Starbucks run was a total relief for the entire office!

Kept the makeup generally minimal, didn’t want to overdo it for day… like I haven’t already?  bahahahaha

I got the Anthropologie and Brooks Brothers catalogs today… I don’t think today’s look could be any farther from either of those stores!  Brooks Brothers is a little expensive but excellent quality and I really love the sheep in a ribbon symbol!  One day I’d like to have a collection of Brooks Brothers suits.

Edit: I really, really need to recolor my hair.

A Very Laura Ingalls Wilder Day


Another one of my simpler looks.  Yesterday was a terribly busy day at work… I almost managed not to mess anything up.  One of my coworkers told me there’s always next month!  :)  I learned how to use a typewriter!  Yeah, disaster.  I think Windows Vista is an antiquated system so typewriter?  Fail.  I totally look like I should be using a typewriter in this outfit though… or maybe just a pencil and some paper.  It feels very Little House on the Prairie to me.  I think it’s probably the blouse because if you look closely you can see the small polka dot pattern! And it’s also blue and I’m wearing a full skirt.

I have an… interesting look planned for tomorrow!  But it’s a total secret until then!

Banana Republic shirt, Odille (Anthropologie) skirt, HUE tights (grey!), Frye boots.

Flap Flap


I look silly in the second photo. Trying to work on posing :)  It was windy on Saturday, you can see my hair blowing around a bit in the first photo.  I’m wearing my new favorite American Apparel shirt with dolman sleeves and sometimes I feel a bit like I have wings!

American Apparel shirt, Ann Taylor Loft skirt, Michael Michael Kors shoes.



Playing catch up.  These photos were taken Friday.  It was extremely bright outside for most of day, hence my intense, almost model stare in the third photo.  I can hardly remember what I did on Friday… I went to work extremely late due to the snow storm.  I also got a new dress from Francesca’s Collections (bad I know but I had 20% off).  And then probably nothing else but talk to far away friends on Gmail :)  Not a partying night — too much snow to still remove/plow.  I do miss my 4 days/week partying!