A Very Laura Ingalls Wilder Day


Another one of my simpler looks.  Yesterday was a terribly busy day at work… I almost managed not to mess anything up.  One of my coworkers told me there’s always next month!  :)  I learned how to use a typewriter!  Yeah, disaster.  I think Windows Vista is an antiquated system so typewriter?  Fail.  I totally look like I should be using a typewriter in this outfit though… or maybe just a pencil and some paper.  It feels very Little House on the Prairie to me.  I think it’s probably the blouse because if you look closely you can see the small polka dot pattern! And it’s also blue and I’m wearing a full skirt.

I have an… interesting look planned for tomorrow!  But it’s a total secret until then!

Banana Republic shirt, Odille (Anthropologie) skirt, HUE tights (grey!), Frye boots.