Flowers in Purple

I was just playing around with color sliders in Aperture the other day and came up with this almost vintage looking end product. It looks way better than the actual vintage filter, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to replicate it in the future.

Exciting news!  I’m going to Savage Beauty this weekend. I’d been reluctant to go because tales of the weekend lines have reached me and during the week I often become too busy. However, my friend’s mom is a member of the Met so we can skip the line on Saturday and get right to the exhibit! No photos though, so sad. I always feel somewhat lost without some sort of a photo-taking device. I guess I just have to take extra photos of lunch or something.

Every time I wear this dress someone compliments me on it, but the truth is I don’t think it’s one of my better-fitting or better-looking pieces. I even thought of giving it away for a while. I guess people are seeing something I’m not, so it’s back in the closet for now. I am, however, willing to trade something for it :)

Charlotte Russe dress, Seychelles shoes, Rebecca Minkoff bag, ken + dana ring.


  1. says

    The effects you achieved go so well with this outfit! I love the muted, romantic effect. I too think the dress looks great on you, but whether you like it or not is the most important thing! If you decide it doesn’t work in your closet, there will always be someone else it would make happy. (I always try to remember that when I’m agonizing over editing down my wardrobe…)

  2. says

    I have pieces like that – can think of what at the moment, but they are always on the fringe of the giveaway pile and then someone will compliment it and I let it stick around for another season.

    I like the processing – looks like it will be very appropriate for fall. I’m totally guilty of over processing during autumn to give the illusion that my trees have these gorgeous orange leaves for months and months… hahahaha

    • says

      Yes I should definitely try to replicate this again for fall.  I’m sure tons of people edit for nice leaves in the fall– I should start doing that too!  I love it when the leaves change color. 

  3. says

    Well get ready for more compliments because I think this dress looks beautiful on you!  Also, the vintage effects you’ve put on these pictures are really pretty :)  Is it hard to do/possible if I don’t have Aperture?  Also, I’m excited for you to see Savage Beauty!  I went when it first opened and it is an amazing exhibit, so I highly recommend it :)

  4. says

    It is such a cute dress! I’m glad you didn’t get rid of it. I also love the new filter you put on the camera; such a cool look to the pics. What kind of camera do you use?

    • says

      I have a Canon T1i, and I usually use a cheapo 35mm lens (the cheapest one, meaning like $400 hahahaa). You can get this effect with a yellow filter I think, but I faked this in Aperture while playing around with colors ( I used blue if that’s any help). If you’re thinking of getting an SLR talk to Lydia or me! You probably don’t need a T1i, and I know I definitely did not and would have been fine with an XSi.