
Trench coat weather!  It was almost 50 degrees today I think — a total heat wave! :)

I really have to start taking pictures earlier in the day/before the sun sets around 5 pm.  The first photo was taken about 10 minutes after this one (long phone call) and is noticeably darker.

London Fog trench coat

Anthropologie flowered top

American Apparel skirt

Urban Outfitters heels

burnout scarf… it’s a mystery.

Rainforest in the Rain – A Closer-up of the Cape

I wore my cape again today… to get a soy vanilla latte from Starbucks.  It was probably a little too cold for it but it’s supposed to snow for pretty much the whole week so I won’t have a chance to wear it again for a while.  Oops! My eyes are pretty much closed but this is the only picture I got that is in focus (out of about 15).

You can’t see it too well, but that umbrella has a rainforest pattern!  All my photos looks like they were shot with an intense soft focus lens — it was pouring when I took these photos!  Sort like all the red carpet photos at the Golden Globes.  If you can find them there are some pretty red carpet photos that look like they were soft focus.

I’m toying with the idea of posting all my pictures in black and white but I can’t really decide.  I once had my portrait done by an artist in Montmartre (Paris) who told me my best medium is black and white.  I don’t know.  I really love black and white photography.  Maybe two black and white photos and one color?

The Cape

Yesterday I was wandering around my local Target in search of cough drops (allergies still bad) and a double tall soy latte (although the Starbucks in Target takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r) so naturally I wandered into the clothing section.  And I happened to spy a row of capes lined up in the clearance section! This Mossimo Faux Fur Collar Cape only cost me $14.98!  Not bad for winter outerwear!  However, I think this cape is too thin to stand up to temperatures below 40 degrees, which was today’s high.  It was practically a heat wave :)  I also took the faux fur collar off the cape and replaced it with an actual fur scarf.  I wish this cape fit me as well as the model!  I’m a true petite but at $15 I shouldn’t really be worried about alterations.

I swear I’m wearing a dress under that cape! Plus the new black Alternative Apparel burnout tee and black tights from the drugstore? under HUE burgundy tights.  I was inspired to buy burgundy tights (although I remember hers being more reddish – mine are more of a wine color) by Jessica of What I Wore. Back in the fall she wore them with this fabulous white dress and I knew I had to go find some of my own!

I’m thinking maybe I should try a longer skirt next time?  You can barely see the dress I have on and I think the proportions would be better if my clothing was actually visible :P  I can’t wait to remix this cape with another outfit!