

:) oops this is oddly disproportionate-looking due to the pose and the slight dolman sleeve of the sweater.  Ohhh well.

First really warm weather of the year!  And supposedly the temperature will be in the mid-60s for the remainder of the week.  I had my car washed so it’s now clean for the first time this year :)  

I wore this to work and was too hot :P  The heat is still on there and if it gets too warm and stuffy in the spring I’m likely to have an asthma attack.  Boo seasonal allergies.  My fall ones are nearly as bad, although I’ve had four asthma attacks in less than a year which is a fairly high number for me.  I really need to steal a non-expired inhaler from someone… my last one expired two years ago.  Oops?

I went to Sephora today (I was so bad) and came away with an insane amount of samples!  At least five.  The skincare expert there today was nice enough to thoroughly go over my skin with me and make a week’s worth of samples.  She really knew what she was talking about and had a beautiful complexion, so crossing fingers!  My skin’s changed a lot lately… I think it’s aging.  I’m just getting old and getting dry old easily irritated skin :(  I love samples though.  Very exciting!  I hope these new products work! 

Silence + Noise sweater (Urban Outfitters), J. Crew tank top, Forever 21 skirt, HUE tights, Bandolino sandals.