Rainforest Snow

I actually had a bit of time to take these before jetting off to work today!  It snowed again, so it’s the boots again. That’s my favorite huge umbrella with rainforest print. Does carrying an umbrella in the snow look odd? People here think so, but I don’t like it when snow gets in my hair and then melts when I go inside. I don’t like having wet hair! I’ve been letting my hair go curly so getting it wet again = lots of frizz.

It’s so dark here all the time! I think it’s because of the snow. It’s supposed to snow again tomorrow but then it’s not supposed to snow again for three or four days. Maybe I can wear some other shoes!

Urban Outfitters sweater, Silence + Noise (Urban Outfitters) dress, Old Navy camisole, H&M belt, H&M sweater stockings, Arturo Chiang boots.