Continuing Adventures

Oh hai guys.  What’s up.  That’s my wireless radio remote for the camera.  Yeah it doesn’t really work.  Sad.  

Something is not quite right, is it?  And that’s why my $40 wireless radio remote is being returned to Amazon… something is just off about these.  The remote never really focuses correctly  and the background doesn’t blur satisfactorily at all.  And the remote is supposed to work without being pointed at the camera, but in these shots it’s held behind my back and it doesn’t always work then :(  

Anyone have experience with wireless remotes?  I’m starting to think I should just get an infrared one, although I really wanted to avoid the visible remote.  

Adventures With DSLR: Is That a Ghost on My Left?

9.27.10 ~ Monday

So this is my first attempt at indoor photography and I guess it came out okay. The flash is quite visible. But I probably should have taken these before 6pm as well, it getting a little dark to do that.  Especially indoors.  And the background… could definitely be better.  I have to work on that, and really, I’m trying to.  I just bought The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby and I’m thinking about one of those photography-class-in-a-book sort of things as well.  And I need some decent software, iPhoto is good but Aperture or maybe Photoshop Elements would be better?  

I wore this to meet my friend from school for pho (Vietnamese) at a restaurant almost soft of halfway between us (farther for me, but highway driving long distances every so often gets that racing urge out of blood) We’re all so scattered now, from coast to coast and north to south… and even across continents!  It’s terrible not to be able to go to Starbucks with my friends every day at 6:30 for the after dinner/pre-studying pick me up!  I do wish we were all closer together.  

Dress from Commander Salamander (I forget the actual label), LOFT belt, over the knee socks/stockings really from Japan, Salvatore Ferragamo shoes.   

Adventures With DSLR: First Edition

…Or Photography for Hopeless Cases. 

Exhibit A:  This is sort of how I’m feeling.  Ugh.  At least I take a decent photo when everything is in focus.  This is f/9 in aperture priority mode.  But I’d really like to blur the background while keeping the foreground in focus.


Exhibit B:  Not exactly what I had in mind.  I take great photos of everything unfocused though.  I’ve become really good at this technique.  Call me, you know, if you need crazy blurry photos.  

Exhibit C:  So we’re good again! The tree does look kind of cool actually, but I’d really like to blur it out.  Maybe I’ll get a remote and let the camera do all the focusing for me.  And I could definitely improve the white balance and ISO — color and exposure were majorly corrected in iPhoto!  

Well, there’s always tomorrow :)  I’ll get it one of these days, although a Barnes and Noble trip for an omgggineedhelppp!!!! book might be in order.