Sometimes you just have to wear a relaxed blouse and four inch heels on your forest bathing expedition, right? And bug spray, definitely need bug spray.
Despite the swarms of mosquitoes, this is a nice photo location. Quiet, secluded, and with a tiny river on one side of the path.
I didn’t see anyone else the entire time I was there. A definite change from some of the crowded areas I photograph in New York.
Marc Jacobs shirt (Tokio 7) | J.Crew skirt | Sofft shoes (very old) | by boe little cubilete bracelet | by boe delicate dart bracelet | Ippolita Wicked ring
Love the location for photos! So pretty. The details of your top is so cute.
Ahh, I miss having foresty areas to wander around in! We have parks, but they don’t look quite so glenlike or magical as that one does. Also, that top is mega-interesting–the exposed back is cool but seems like it could be tricky?
This is seriously so cute. I love that you’re wearing so much color recently!
Ales, this IS the best place for outfit shots! It looks so serene and gorgeous! Just load up on mosquito spray :) LOVE that top!
I can definitely see myself taking more photos here. I just spray behind my knees with the bug repellent and it seems to keep all the bugs away. I use super strong Off Deep Woods though, and wash it off as soon as I’m back inside.
Love that raspberry color on you. Gorgeous!
Thanks! This is the only piece I have in this color, I think. I wish it was more widely available!
Ooo, that top is so cool! Haha, yes, solitude is definitely a change of pace from when we take pictures here in NYC (right now thinking back to yesterday when we were jumping in and out of the street for shots!).
Pffff the street is fun and you know you wouldn’t change it! Unless it was for a super cool location like Brooklyn Bridge Park or the Top of the Rock (which I also think we should do one day).
I love the different shades of pink together and that blouse!!
I never remember bug spray. and always regret it.
how cute is this whole look!!
i love it all
I really like this color combination. I’m not sure it’s one I would have thought of, but I’ve pinned it try.