Adventures With DSLR: First Edition

…Or Photography for Hopeless Cases. 

Exhibit A:  This is sort of how I’m feeling.  Ugh.  At least I take a decent photo when everything is in focus.  This is f/9 in aperture priority mode.  But I’d really like to blur the background while keeping the foreground in focus.


Exhibit B:  Not exactly what I had in mind.  I take great photos of everything unfocused though.  I’ve become really good at this technique.  Call me, you know, if you need crazy blurry photos.  

Exhibit C:  So we’re good again! The tree does look kind of cool actually, but I’d really like to blur it out.  Maybe I’ll get a remote and let the camera do all the focusing for me.  And I could definitely improve the white balance and ISO — color and exposure were majorly corrected in iPhoto!  

Well, there’s always tomorrow :)  I’ll get it one of these days, although a Barnes and Noble trip for an omgggineedhelppp!!!! book might be in order.