The Building Without a Roof

Dear Christine,

I’m not sure what this building is called, but it’s empty and parts of it are usually blocked off. A lot of photoshoots happen inside anyway. I’d love to stand in one of those windows and get a photo, or at least center myself under one of the arches (which I completely failed to do in any of my photos). I kept losing track of where I was standing. The area around here is actually very busy, people walking or biking back and forth constantly. I’m sure all of them were wondering what the freak in the leopard dress was doing. …

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What Getting Lunch in DUMBO Looks Like

Dear Silvergirl,

When it rains in Vinegar Hill/DUMBO/Fulton Ferry, it’s serious. Because we’re directly on the water with no tall buildings for a shield. The wind will blow out your umbrella at least twice before you even make it to the corner.

But isn’t this view amazing? Look! I’m walking under the Manhattan Bridge!

There are cobblestones. How cute. I slip on them while holding my plaid umbrella and taking photos of my favorite building.

No one delivers in DUMBO, so I’m always going out to get lunch. Usually Almondine or Peas & Pickles if I don’t bring anything with me. And sometimes I go out for cookies.

I’m totally not fooling you, am I? You know I love cold weather. I don’t even mind the rain that much, but rain and wind can make for a very blustery combination. I love this view though– rain or shine.
